
Big Data visualization

Using a dataset of 22.5 million death records from the United States, we show how Big Data can be quickly visualized and analyzed with Viscovery SOMine.

Open showcase


Website visitors

Using click data recorded for website visitors, cluster analysis is performed and user profiles are created for real-time classification of the current visitor based on click behavior.

Open showcase


Snow crystal images

Using a historical archive of snow crystals micrographs, an ordered map of crystal types is created. Photographic elements are ordered based on intermediate image processing to determine similarity and can be accessed interactively by the user.

Open showcase


Test your own music style

Using responses to a questionnaire about social demographic variables and hobbies, including music preferences, a SOM was generated, which was used to display music interests over the generated clusters. Locate your own profile in the map!

Open showcase

Did we lose Africa?

Did we lose Africa?

Africa's relationship with the West is worsening, while ties with Russia and China strengthen. Data from UN voting patterns and indicators like Chinese influence suggest improved expert and decision-maker communication is needed to leverage data effectively in addressing these shifts.

Open showcase

Download the free basic module Visual Explorer of Viscovery SOMine.