Viscovery Software GmbH relaunches corporate website to serve predictive analytics customers

[News Viscovery]

Vienna / Austria, June 2009 Viscovery Software GmbH confirms its role as a leading provider of data mining and predictive analytics solutions and launches a website update that increases the focus on advice and instruction for users of data mining solutions. In addition to the usual product and company presentation, the new site provides customers with extensive technical information about data mining applications, including publications, scientific articles and interesting links about data mining and self-organizing maps (SOMs). Online demonstrations introduce how to use the software and provide details about particular applications, including an analysis of website visitors based on their click data.

The website update has been designed to streamline visitor searches for relevant information and provide visual, comprehensive information about the software, its application and technology background. Online demos, frequently asked questions, data sheets and an exhaustive list of references provide valuable information for current customers and visitors interested in SOM technology and predictive analytics.



Sport Eybl & Sports Experts expands customer analytics with Viscovery data mining software

[News Viscovery]

Vienna / Austria, April 2009 Viscovery Software GmbH, a leading provider of data mining and predictive analytics solutions, licenses Viscovery Predictor to Sport Eybl & Sports Experts GmbH, the leading Austrian sporting goods retailer, to augment their proprietary analyses with improved scoring capabilities for optimizing customer targeting.

To reach a decision, Sport Eybl & Sports Experts evaluated scoring solutions from multiple data mining vendors in the market. We chose Viscovery Predictor because it convinced us with its intuitive user guidance and its superior functionality and capabilities, stated Mag. Heinrich Hammerschmidt, Head of Direct Marketing. This enables us to perform our in-house scoring projects quickly and efficiently at reasonable costs.

Viscovery Predictor, a workflow-oriented solution for scoring, prediction and advanced analysis, along with expert predictive analytics consulting, will provide unique patented capabilities for both non-linear prediction and customer scoring. The ease of creation and handling of models, superior accuracy and advanced analytical functions will allow Sport Eybl & Sports Experts to use relevant aspects of their accumulated data for marketing and media optimization, to develop and assess targeted campaigns, as well as to facilitate decision making processes based on supply.

Viscovery announces the successful implementation of data mining for Mediaprint optimized CRM

[News Viscovery]

Vienna / Austria, April 2009 Viscovery Software GmbH, a leading European predictive analytics company based in Vienna, announces the successful implementation of a data mining system for Mediaprint, one of the largest publishing houses in Austria. The data mining software is a part of Mediaprint's new customer relationship management (CRM) system and allows integrated predictive modeling and explorative data analysis of customer data for use in targeted marketing activities.

Mediaprint has been using the Viscovery data mining system and consulting package since 2007, to optimize customer service, campaign management, and actions targeted to newspaper subscribers. With the implementation of Viscovery, we are now able to perform customer analytics quickly and efficiently in-house for both our newspapers Kronen Zeitung and Kurier, Hans Frohner, Head of Statistics and Analytics at Mediaprint said. Behavior-based segmentation and scoring of customer loyalty have become indispensable for successful customer acquisition campaigns and for our customer retention programs.

Viscovery, a workflow-oriented solution for data mining, provides comprehensive capabilities for exploring customer behavior, creating scoring models, defining customer segmentations, and automating analytical workflows. The ease of creation and handling of models, the visual model representation and advanced analytical functions allows Mediaprint to use relevant aspects of their accumulated data for marketing and media optimization, to develop and assess targeted campaigns, as well as to facilitate decision making processes based on CRM information.



Viscovery Software GmbH included in leading industry analyst firm’s Magic Quadrant 2008

[News - Viscovery]

Viscovery's visual workbench extends data mining to business users

Vienna / Austria, July 2008 - Viscovery Software GmbH, a leading provider of data mining and predictive analytics solutions, has been positioned by Gartner, Inc. in the Magic Quadrant for Customer Data-Mining Applications1. In the report, international data mining vendors were evaluated based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute. In particular the companies' products and services were evaluated, as well as their market responsiveness and track records. Gartner's Magic Quadrant 2008 for Customer Data-Mining Applications includes eight companies worldwide.

"We believe our listing in the Magic Quadrant by Gartner confirms our ability to deliver proven predictive analytics solutions that help our clients easily and quickly evaluate their data and predict future customer behavior," said Gerhard Kranner, CEO of Viscovery Software GmbH. "With the recent launch of version 5 of the Viscovery line of products, we have taken a step further in our mission to make our intuitive visual data mining solution a strategic instrument for a wide range of users."

Intuitive predictive modeling and scoring accuracy set Viscovery apart

The Viscovery suite for visual data mining and predictive analytics covers all functions needed for customer analytics projects - from clustering, customer profiling and segmentation, through scoring and non-linear prediction, up to automatic generation and real-time integration of models. The interactive project environment supports effective model management and contains standard workflows with default parameterizations, which allow simple click-through usage and can be re-used as process patterns.

The robust, high-performance software combines statistical methods with Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs), which allows huge quantities of data to be visualized and handled on a single screen. This intuitive visual approach enables even statistics laymen to explore complex data, recognize relationships, create scoring models and define target groups. Models can be easily deployed in real-time applications and flexibly integrated in verticals for specific application areas.
